In this lesson I learnt how to use precompose layers apply effects from the effects and presets tab, adjust the transparency of a layer and many more. firstly i had to create a new composition by going into the composition bar and clicking on the new composition button, i the imported an image of a building into Adobe After Effects which would be the background of the composition. i then imported a folder called destinations folder in which contained a few documents inside which were Adobe Illustrator documents. the destinations folder contains the logo which go's at the top right corner of the composition once the logo had been put in the timeline and in its place we used the selection tool which we then had to click on the text that the logo had around it and change the colour. We then created a text layer which sat next to the logo, we then add an effect called drop shadow which added a soft edged to the text that made the text stand out and look almost 3D, after applying that we used another effect called colour emboss which effectively sharpens the edges around the logo. we then added another effect to the text layer called bullet train which animated the text to slowly fly onto the screen. after this we then precomposed the layer in the destinations folder by going to the composition tab at the top of the screen and clicking on the precompose button mid way down the tab. we then previewed our compositions by hitting the play button in the preview tab. to make the small ident less visible we went into the layer clicked transform to bring a drop down tab and decreased the opacity to around 50 percent we did this so it would be fit for broadcast as if you leave it a 100 percent the ident could leave a mark on the actual TV screen. we then added the finished composition to the render queue which is in the composition tab add to render queue.
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